Le silence meurtrier de MarianneFace à l’injustice, la République a failli. Face au génocide, la République est muette.Nov 6, 2023Nov 6, 2023
Context, double standard morality, and the false narrative of the Palestine-Israel conflictSaturday October 7th, 2023.Oct 9, 2023Oct 9, 2023
4 ans de passion plus tard 💫Hier, LinkedIn m’apprenait que je fêtais mes 4 ans chez AirFit.. Time flies ⏳Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
Coronavirus et startups: comment je vis ma première crise d’entrepreneur, entre naïveté et…9 janvier 2020. Tout commence dans un monde bien trop lointain pour qu’on en entende parler. Wuhan, dans la province de Hubei en Chine, se…Mar 14, 20202Mar 14, 20202
What it takes to fall in love with your business2019 is drawing to an end. People are gathering with their families and friends to get some rest, spend some good time, and go through…Dec 26, 2019Dec 26, 2019
Espoir et désillusion d’une jeune démocratieEn quelques semaines, la Tunisie et son peuple ont connu des évènements majeurs, et ont sans doute traversé la période la plus agitée de…Sep 19, 2019Sep 19, 2019
Vision, mindset and consistency for a fulfilled lifeI love meeting new people and talking about their values and their life goals. To be honest, this trait of mine is so strong that I can…Sep 16, 2019Sep 16, 2019
One year of entrepreneurial excitementFlashback to June 2016. It all started with a single enthusiastic email to a lone startup founder. A cold email written without imagining…Jan 1, 2018Jan 1, 2018
Why you need to stop listening to your parents’ adviceIf you are reading this, chances are, you’ve been more or less influenced by your elders when it comes to your educational and professional…Aug 8, 20171Aug 8, 20171