Why doing is better than perfect

Mehdi Ghariani
4 min readJul 28, 2017

They say you need to start with an introspection.

So here I am. Hardly starting, but finally taking my guts to look into the holes in my armor.

Here I am exploring the infinite “points of optimization” in my life, the things preventing me from reaching my full potential.

Thing is, I have always strived for perfection. Always imposing myself the highest standards in terms of achievement and quality.

“Yeah right motherfucker, you are gonna make us believe that’s a pain point”

Wait, let me finish. Let me prove you how this whole perfection craziness unfolds in nothing but paralysis.

While I was putting things off because I wanted them to be perfect before delivered, I recently realised I was wrong. This perpetual and infinite quest for “the right thing” prevented me from actually starting, from putting something to the world. Something IMPERFECT, but at least SOMETHING.

Instead of just jumping ship and learning to swim once in the water, I was making plans on doing something I had never done before.

Choosing the right topic for my first Medium article wasn’t an easy task. I spent nights and days thinking about the right thing to write about, the topic that would capture my thinking and make my audience want to come back for the next piece of content.

After hours of analysis and jotting down notes on the different topics worth exploring, I figured I had the thinking wrong, once again.

Once again, I was stuck in the analysis paralysis. Instead of just jumping ship and learning to swim once in the water, I was making plan on doing something I had never done before.

Where to start ? What topic to delve into? Will people ever read me? What if I don’t bring any value? Taking the time to try answering all these questions won’t do you any good, but prevent you from focusing on this most important thing, which is just starting.

Starting without possibly thinking about the outcome, without being paralysed by the fear of the consequences. Just start, and stop thinking about whether you’ll make something nice out of it.

“Doing is better than perfect” says the adage.

Some might think I’ve just read this in one out of millions bullshit personal development books. Truth is, I stumbled upon this quote a few years ago… and here I am, finally taking full consideration of its sense and implications.

All this time, a voice in the back of my head has been telling me to go for the “doing” and let go of the “perfect”.

So here I am, starting my journey in content writing. With no experience, but lots ideas, with no structure, but a willingness to share, with no clue of where I want to go, but the will to go the furthest I can.

In the next articles, I’ll be discussing different topics I am passionate about.

I’ll be talking about my journey as a startup associate, as a 25 years old Tunisian who’s passionate about entrepreneurship, but lots of other things.

I’ll be discussing personal development, leadership, marketing & sales. I’ll be talking about my passions, ranging from Business and Education to Personal Development.

Get your shit together, take some responsibility, and fucking start making your objectives and goals come true.

Based on my own experience, I’ll tell you why doing is better than perfect. I spent the last years thinking about jumping ship and starting things that I found “inspiring”, “cool”, or just things that I was convinced would take me closer to my long-term goals

Stop putting off starting.

As Tim Ferris says in his four-hour-workweek, all the life’s lights will never be green at the same time. So get your shit together, take some responsibility, and fucking start making your objectives and goals come true. You read it right, I am talking about goals, no dreams. Goals are dreams with deadlines. Goals have a definite plan and set of actions. So stop fooling around and procrastinating, and set your goals.

All this to say, if you’re waiting for the right moment to jump ship, if you’re hoping for an epiphany or if you believe that one day you’ll wake up and it will all seem like it’s easier, I am sorry to disappoint you. NO ONE will NEVER, EVER make it happen for you. You are the owner of your own destiny, you are the writer of your story.

This first article might be full of imperfections and glitches. The style might seem weird to some of you. But at least it’s something. I eventually decided to show some vulnerability and start delivering.

What the fuck are you waiting for?

So go ahead, put some hustle in the game, and make things fucking happen.

Truly yours,



Mehdi Ghariani

Co-founder of AirFit.co. Disrupting the Outdoor Fitness industry and striving to build healthier societies by making sports free for everyone.